Quote for 6/10/2007
'So it comes as no surprise that over the course of the last sixty years, since the inception of television, since the rise of the military-industrial-energy complex, since the growth and corruption of the corporate world, since the marriage of government with the corporate world, better known as fascism, that all manner of truth has been hidden in the deep recesses of America’s black holes and tight-locked vaults.' - Manuel Valenzuela
Quote for 5/30/2007
'Warning, people from other countries, don’t come to this brutal repressive place America. This is what Fox’s Hit TV Show “24” is all about, get us used to repression and control and torture. They are searching our children at gunpoint with attack dogs in the schools. We are no longer free to assemble in peaceful protest as was guaranteed by our constitution, but must protest only within their so-called “free speech zones” - chain link fence cages well out of sight of the politically powerful. They have stripped us of our Habeas Corpus rights and our Bill of Rights. Any of us can now be disappeared and tortured. These people, our so-called elected officials who were appointed to serve the people and uphold the Constitution have become our jailers and masters and we their slaves.' - editor
the peoples voices
Quote for 5/25/2007
'What was once the nation, and the people, of Iraq has been transformed into an amalgam of carnage, blood, misery and decimation the likes of which the world has not seen since World War II, or Vietnam. Iraq has become a human catastrophe, a defeat for humanity itself, birthed not through tempests or tsunamis or earthquakes, but through the criminality, corruption and human wickedness of one nation. It has been humankind that has routed itself in self-debasement, our failure to act one more silver chalice in our trophy case of human wickedness.' - Manuel Valenzuela
Quote for 5/20/2007
'In the United States, each member elected to the House and Senate takes an oath to uphold the US Constitution, as does the president and vice president. Yet the Bush Regime drafted and Congress passed the Military Commissions Act, a constitutional monstrosity that denies the protection of law to everyone declared, without evidence, by the executive branch to be a suspected terrorist or enemy combatant.' - Paul Craig Roberts
Quote for 5/19/2007
'A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's going to get.' - Ian Williams Goddard
Quote for 5/17/2007
In the month following last year's 7/7 London bombings, Vice President Dick Cheney is reported to have instructed USSTRATCOM to draw up a contingency plan "to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States". Implied in the contingency plan is the certainty that Iran would be behind a Second 9/11.
'It is ironic, that American neoconservatives have decided to conquer the world in the name of liberty and democracy, when they have so little regard for either.' - Canadian author and professor Shadia Drury
Quote for 5/13/2007
'Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President', Dr. Frank diagnosed the President as a 'paranoid meglomaniac', and 'untreated alcoholic', whose 'lifelong streak of sadism, ranging from childhood pranks (using firecrackers to explode frogs) to insulting journalists, gloating over state executions and pumping his hand gleefully before the bombing of Baghdad' showcase Bush’s instabilities.' - Teresa Hampton - thepeoplesvoice
Quote for 5/12/2007
'We do not have the right to forget the causes of any war, which must be sought in the mistakes and errors of peacetime. Moreover, in our time, these threats are not diminishing, they are only transforming, changing their appearance. In these new threats, as during the time of the Third Reich, are the same contempt for human life and the same claims of exceptionality and diktat in the world.' - MOSCOW, May 9 - President Vladimir V. Putin
Quote for 5/11/2007
Before the occupation (i.e. before the Americans came to us), there were no suicide bombers, no kidnappers, and no murdering militias. All these came with the occupation, and America failed or didn't want to control the situation. America is the only country responsible for the blood shed in Iraq. And the Iraqis will never forgive it for that - A Citizen Of Mosul
Quote for 5/5/2007
'The suppression of truth has long been among the highest priorities for the upper echelons of power and authority. For a minority elite that clings to power by the manipulation of the masses using an omnipresent cocktail of lies, deception, mass-produced ignorance and ingrained propaganda, the destruction of truth is an essential method of control. It is a formula that has worked to unmitigated success for the elite throughout history, whether the shadows of power stretch from ancient pyramids, marble temples, castles, mansions or halls of governance.' - Manuel Valenzuela
Quote for 5/4/2007
'Let there be no doubt that Hillary Clinton is about as slippery a species of politician that exists, one who has demonstrated an ability to morph facts into a nebulous blob which blurs the record and distorts the truth.' - Scott Ritter
Quote for 5/3/2007
'So it comes as no surprise that over the course of the last sixty years, since the inception of television, since the rise of the military-industrial-energy complex, since the growth and corruption of the corporate world, since the marriage of government with the corporate world, better known as fascism, that all manner of truth has been hidden in the deep recesses of America’s black holes and tight-locked vaults.' - Manuel Valenzuela
Friday, May 4, 2007
Thursday, May 3, 2007
How the Right Uses People of Color to Foster Racism
How the Right Uses People of Color to Foster Racism
By Margaret Kimberly, Black Agenda Report. Posted April 4, 2007.
For premium fees, Malkin and D'Souza act as trusted Gunga Dins and shock troops for fascism. The corporate media makes advocates of racism and white American supremacy very rich. American racism also gives certain non-white people advantages. They are able to escape the indignity that black Americans face. They are then able to disassociate themselves and become allies with the very worst and most dangerous aspects of political life in this country.
Michelle Malkin, born Michelle Maglalang, is a dark skinned Filipino-American who loves the worst that white American civilization has to offer. Malkin is a darling of the right wing, a blogger and author who is eager to advocate invading other nations, and spewing hatred of immigrants in general and of Muslims in particular.
D'Souza's true purpose in writing this screed is to provoke hatred and legitimize violence against anyone who opposes the white/right wing agenda. His assertion that people who disagree with him are the nation's enemies is offensive and dangerous but it hasn't hurt D'Souza's career at all.
complete artcle
Iran's proud but discreet Jews
Although Iran and Israel are bitter enemies, few know that Iran is home to the largest number of Jews anywhere in the Middle East outside Israel.
About 25,000 Jews live in Iran and most are determined to remain no matter what the pressures - as proud of their Iranian culture as of their Jewish roots.
read more
By Margaret Kimberly, Black Agenda Report. Posted April 4, 2007.
For premium fees, Malkin and D'Souza act as trusted Gunga Dins and shock troops for fascism. The corporate media makes advocates of racism and white American supremacy very rich. American racism also gives certain non-white people advantages. They are able to escape the indignity that black Americans face. They are then able to disassociate themselves and become allies with the very worst and most dangerous aspects of political life in this country.
Michelle Malkin, born Michelle Maglalang, is a dark skinned Filipino-American who loves the worst that white American civilization has to offer. Malkin is a darling of the right wing, a blogger and author who is eager to advocate invading other nations, and spewing hatred of immigrants in general and of Muslims in particular.
D'Souza's true purpose in writing this screed is to provoke hatred and legitimize violence against anyone who opposes the white/right wing agenda. His assertion that people who disagree with him are the nation's enemies is offensive and dangerous but it hasn't hurt D'Souza's career at all.
complete artcle
Iran's proud but discreet Jews
Although Iran and Israel are bitter enemies, few know that Iran is home to the largest number of Jews anywhere in the Middle East outside Israel.
About 25,000 Jews live in Iran and most are determined to remain no matter what the pressures - as proud of their Iranian culture as of their Jewish roots.
read more
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Baghdad up close and personal
ATol's "Roving Eye", Pepe Escobar, is back in Iraq and in the Red Zone - that is, outside "Fortress USA", the Green Zone. This is the first of his unembedded, non-Kevlar-protected, bodyguardless reports.
Baghdad up close and personal
hhvekouHaving dodged a bullet but not arrest by the Mehdi Army militia, Escobar witnesses the grand-scale mayhem and the minutiae of misery of Baghdad. In the deadly daily embrace of the Red Zone, the surreal overlaps Hollywood-style special effects while ethnic cleansing proceeds neighborhood by neighborhood and the bereaved are advised to visit the market to try to match the missing limbs of their dead. (May 1, '07)
La Brea Tar Pits: A Metaphor for the America Republic?
by William Hughes
(Tuesday, May 1, 2007)
President George W. Bush now has the power, thanks to a mostly cowardly Congress, to declare “Martial Law!” The Defense Authorization Act of 2006 gave him the green light. All he needs is a Reichstag-like incident and our Republic will be history. Like the animals who were trapped in the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, it has been sinking for years. Author Chalmers Johnson is convinced the U.S. Empire is headed the way of Greece’s and Rome’s.
"Make Sure This Happens!!"
How Rumsfeld Micromanaged Torture
When Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld boasted, as he did frequently, of his unrelenting focus on the war on terror, his audience would have been startled, maybe even shocked, to discover the activities that Rumsfeld found it necessary to supervise in minute detail. Close command and control of far away events from the Pentagon were not limited to the targeting of bombs and missiles. Thanks to breakthroughs in communications, the interrogation and torture of prisoners could be monitored on a real time basis also.
Dishonorable Non-Mention: Why Was Juan Gonzalez Left Out of NY Daily News Pulitzer for 9/11 Health Effects?
The New York Daily News has been awarded the Pulitzer Prize for an editorial series on the medical fall-out from the 9/11 attacks. But in some circles, the Pulitzer award was as noteworthy for whom it did not mention: Daily News columnist and Democracy Now! co-host Juan Gonzalez. Gonzalez was the first reporter to question government officials' insistence that the air around Ground Zero was safe and wrote a series of groundbreaking exposes on the issue. [includes rush transcript]
ATol's "Roving Eye", Pepe Escobar, is back in Iraq and in the Red Zone - that is, outside "Fortress USA", the Green Zone. This is the first of his unembedded, non-Kevlar-protected, bodyguardless reports.
Baghdad up close and personal
hhvekouHaving dodged a bullet but not arrest by the Mehdi Army militia, Escobar witnesses the grand-scale mayhem and the minutiae of misery of Baghdad. In the deadly daily embrace of the Red Zone, the surreal overlaps Hollywood-style special effects while ethnic cleansing proceeds neighborhood by neighborhood and the bereaved are advised to visit the market to try to match the missing limbs of their dead. (May 1, '07)
La Brea Tar Pits: A Metaphor for the America Republic?
by William Hughes
(Tuesday, May 1, 2007)
President George W. Bush now has the power, thanks to a mostly cowardly Congress, to declare “Martial Law!” The Defense Authorization Act of 2006 gave him the green light. All he needs is a Reichstag-like incident and our Republic will be history. Like the animals who were trapped in the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, it has been sinking for years. Author Chalmers Johnson is convinced the U.S. Empire is headed the way of Greece’s and Rome’s.
"Make Sure This Happens!!"
How Rumsfeld Micromanaged Torture
When Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld boasted, as he did frequently, of his unrelenting focus on the war on terror, his audience would have been startled, maybe even shocked, to discover the activities that Rumsfeld found it necessary to supervise in minute detail. Close command and control of far away events from the Pentagon were not limited to the targeting of bombs and missiles. Thanks to breakthroughs in communications, the interrogation and torture of prisoners could be monitored on a real time basis also.
Dishonorable Non-Mention: Why Was Juan Gonzalez Left Out of NY Daily News Pulitzer for 9/11 Health Effects?
The New York Daily News has been awarded the Pulitzer Prize for an editorial series on the medical fall-out from the 9/11 attacks. But in some circles, the Pulitzer award was as noteworthy for whom it did not mention: Daily News columnist and Democracy Now! co-host Juan Gonzalez. Gonzalez was the first reporter to question government officials' insistence that the air around Ground Zero was safe and wrote a series of groundbreaking exposes on the issue. [includes rush transcript]
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israeli gunman
palestinian in class at the check point
Israeli gunman
palestinian children
My heart will go on
Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Pakistan
LAHORE - March 24, 2006: No way-out to avoid a traffic jam near Urdu Bazaar. — Dawn
poor animal!
MULTAN - March 24, 2006: A camel performance at the spring festival organised by the City District Government to mark the Pakistan Day
beast of burden
LAHORE - March 20: BEAST OF BURDEN: A damaged vehicle being taken to a workshop.—APP
Communing with pigeons
KARACHI - March 20: A child enjoys the company of pigeons, whom he feeds, at Hyderi on Tuesday.—APP
Waiting for drinking water
HYDERABAD (India) - March 20: People stand in a line as they wait to fill containers with drinking water supplied by a mobile water vehicle in a slum area in the Saidabad colony here on Tuesday. More than 500 families living in this slum area depend on water supplied by a mobile vehicle and provided by the Metro water works once in three days. 'Coping with Water Scarcity' is the theme for the World Water Day 2007, which is celebrated each year on March 22.—AFP
Mud slide in Kashmir
BAGH - March 20: A man marooned in an area of Azad Kashmir affected by hill torrents following heavy downpour over the past few days is being rescued by local people on Tuesday.—AFP
BETHLEHEM - March 22: Palestinian students wear traditional clothing during a cultural event taking place at the Bethlehem University here on Thursday. The event, which included a mock wedding, is to promote the education of traditional ideals of Palestinian culture.�AFP
The World Water Day,
HYDERABAD - March 22: Peasant women make their way to a distant place in order to fetch water. The World Water Day, being observed on Friday, is intended to highlight the need for reducing wastage of this precious commodity. � Photo by Yousuf Nagori