My letter that appeared in Peoria Journal Star is reproduced here along with readers commentsHistory repeating itself in Iraq, Afghanistan
Monday, January 29, 2007
"People of the governorate of Baghdad, we come here not as conquerors but as liberators to free you from generations of tyranny." Those weren't the words of an
American general, but of Gen. Angus Maude, when the British invaded Iraq in 1917.
When the "insurgency" started, the British intelligence sent a telegram from Baghdad to London: "Terrorists are crossing the Iraqi border from Syria."
Due to large British casualties, war became unpopular. Prime Minister Lloyd George addressed the House of Commons: "If British troops leave Iraq, there will be chaos, civil war."
History is being repeated not only in Iraq, but also in Afghanistan. For more than a century during their rule on the Indian subcontinent, the British could not subdue the Afghans. Can Americans?
In December 2001, I visited Pakistan. Being neighbors and a Muslim country, Pakistanis were quite upset.
The news of traumatic effects of relentless bombing on children and civilians across the border added fuel to fire. The majority of Pakistanis were convinced that it was a crusade on Islam all over again. They did not believe that Muslims were responsible for 9-11. They believe it is part of a greater, anti-Islamic movement in the West.
Who can blame them, especially when U.S. President George W. Bush used the word crusade? The worst was yet to come. What's next, Iran?
Comments:john: If you people want to play big brother to the world ...... and thats what were going to haft to do because terriost are all over the world not just in afganisatn and Iraq .There everywhere arnt they? THese people have been at each other for a thousand years and we will never WIN as you put it. Whats there to win ? How do you define WIN? What exactly did MISSION ACCOMPLISHED mean? We were LIED to. It was a HUGE cover up FACE IT.
chris: I would like to commend Mr. Ahmed on a thought provoking letter. However, he should be very careful about quoting historical facts. I am not a historian, but a quick Google search showed that the General�s name and quote are not correct.
My guess is that Mr. Ahmed repeating an improperly quoted text from an interview with Robert Fisk.
The correct name of the general is Frederick Stanley Maude and the quotation should be,
��our armies do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators.�
cgiselle 12Great letter, Ms. Ahmed. Excellent historical analysis. If only Americans today could understand it! Iraq had and still has nothing to do with 9/11. I can only pray Big Al and those likeminded will wake up and realize attacking Iran would be an unmitigated disaster. Time for foreign policy to rear it's cooler and smarter head, and we shoot down all these hawks among us.
Big AlThis comparison is a non sequitur. The peace loving people there are having elections, not being colonized. Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi, wherever terrorists are training and being supported made 9-11 possible, and as such are necessarily in the crosshairs. Taking out Iran would be a disaster- for Ahmadinejad. Just ask Saddam. Oh, yea- he's dead!
The White House says there has been growing evidence over the last several months that Iran is supporting terrorists inside Iraq and is a major supplier of bombs and other weapons used to target U.S. forces. In recent weeks, U.S. forces have detained a number of Iranian agents in Iraq.
BTW How do their women feel about that whole 72 virgins deal?
If they (Iran's leaders) continue in their dangerous, provocative course, the answer is obviously yes. By your tone and from your name, I presume you are a Muslim. Unless you are also in denial about the facts of 9-11, you could serve the cause of peace by speaking out for tolerance and co-existence rather than fueling the Islamic extremist rhetoric.
The people being "subdued" are the terrorists. Perhaps you've heard that elections have been held in Afghanistan and Iraq. They weren't until we removed their despots. Too many extremists in Pakistan already threaten that elected government.
You are fortunate to be able to choose to be a voice of reason or to encourage the enemies of the United States. Choose wisely.