Thursday, March 22, 2007

Dr. Sami Al-Arian and Ali Al-Marri

tuesday night at 10 o'clock i was panicking because the wearher forcast was rain, rain and more rain every day rest of the week. paint i used to make posters was water soluble. it is odd enough to see a woman crazy enough to stand on the corner of a street holding two posters. but to see words of the posters bleeding into each other would be funny indeed.

i have made a commitment for the whole week. what do i do? i call nancy! she is not home. i leave a rambling message. she calls back around 10:30. no sweat, she'll put the clear plastic - bring the posters in the morning. a sigh of relief.

it rains off and on all night. i am some where in a public place out of nowhere bush appears grabs my upper right arm and kinda pushes me to go somewhere, he's gone, instead 3 or 4 plain clothes people surround to take me away.... i wake up. it has been a long time since i remembered a dream so vivedly.

nancy excuses herself from a meeting at work and comes with me to protest for an ~ an hr.

generally, people look but are afraid or indifferent to ask any woman honks the horn vigorously and givs a thumbs up i know her? a man honks his horn and gives a thumbs down. i don't know him that's for sure. one man riding bike yells he/they should be hanged. who? al-arian, al-marri or both? why?
mike miller of peoria journal star stops by to ask a few questions. he's going to write a cloumn to appear on saturday in journal star.
no rain!!

thursday, march 22
as usual nancy comes shortly after i arrive. it had rained earlier but the weather is quite warm and pleasant for the duration. look who joined us? none other than doug! he holds one sign nancy holds the other. few minutes later harry comes by riding his bicycle

to answer his question i sit next to the man on the bench waiting for the bus. he understands the sitauation very well. he himself had been wrongly arrested and imprisoned for two months. he's looking for a lawyer. nancy talks to him. next thing i see she is taking him to the doctor or hospital, he is limping i help him get in her car.

what is going on in the land of the free and home of the plenty?

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